1 hour 15 minutes


Protect yourself from the sun
Wear comfortable footwear

At each point you will find historical information and related to the adventures of Marthe pirate.

Pirates have existed since the very beginning of the history of the world. Currently only a few privileged are pirates who plough through the seas and oceans. Peñíscola is a perfect place to relax some  days without stopping from having  contact with the sea, the boats and the life of a pirate. 

The pirate Mar comes to Peñíscola with a mission: explore the city to find out if it is an old pirate settlement. When the pirates decide to rest from their marine adventures look for a place on the mainland which keeps them in contact with the the seas and oceans.

 Will Peñíscola be a pirate settlement ? Only if it accomplishes these 3 features:

  • Having at least a house with naval symbols.
  • Having places with natural water, natural springs.
  • Having  a place where  the fury of the sea can be heard.

Walk with Mar in her quest to find these signals and don't forget that THE PIRATE LIFE IS THE BEST LIFE!

Do you think Mar is the only pirate who has gone across these lands. In the movie PIRATES of the CARIBBEAN, a young girl wants to be a pirate and manages to fool all of the people by pretending to be a boy. How? Becoming a pirate!

The marine world has many curiosities. Did you know that the art of sewing the fishing nets is not within everyone's reach? Go to the port and look for some of the women who sew nets.

Our lighthouse, which gives light and guides the pirate ships, was built by a woman. Few lighthouses are the work of a woman